Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a24
Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a24
Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a24 英文正式版(日曆軟體)
Pagan Daybook是一款保留一個星期七天痕跡,古典和現代的潮流等的日曆.它可以用作用
Pagan Daybook 3 is a calendar to keep track of the days of
the week, the ancient and modern tides and the pagan
festivals and observances that fall on each day of the year.
Far more interesting than a conventional calendar, it's
something unique to put in the Startup group of Windows, or
use as your screen saver. Never again miss another
solstice... or, perhaps more importantly, another
Pagan Daybook 3 features an extensive database of listings ?
with five or six thousand years of civilization to draw on,
it has at least one observance for every day of the year ?
full color graphics, an integrated screen saver, animation,
user-configurable entries, selectable themes and various
bits of magick. It includes a searchable calendar to allow
you to query the database of observances.
WARNING: This software contains references to pagan beliefs
and details from classical paintings in which some of the
subjects aren't wearing very much. If this sort of thing
offends you, please do not download Pagan Daybook 3.
Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a23 英文正式版(日曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Pagan Daybook 3 v5.0a21 英文正式版(日曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a37 英文正式版(整合複雜圖形的桌上型時鐘軟體)
Pagan Daybook III v5.0 a32 英文正式版(日曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a38 英文正式版(桌上型時鐘軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks Calendar Wizard v2.0a34 英文正式版(月曆軟體)
Alchemy Mindworks The Ultimate Screen Clock v2.0a39 英文正式版(時鐘軟體)